August 21 at 18:30 - Rigoletto The basis of the opera "Rigoletto" is the drama of Victor Hugo "The King is amused". First of all, Verdi was interested in psychological drama. The text of Hugo was reduced. The plot acquired a more chambered sound; the emphasis was shifted to showing the personal relationships of the characters in dramatic situations.
August 22 at 18.30 - Swan Lake The plot is based on many folklore motifs, including the old German legend, narrating about the beautiful Princess Odette, turned into a swan by the curse of the evil sorcerer - knight Rothbart. Duration of the performance: 2 hours 30 minutes.
August 23 at 18:30 - Zaporozhets behind the Danube The statement Gulak-Artemovsky as a composer was brought by his opera "Zaporozhets beyond the Danube", which he completed in 1862. The theme of the opera "Zaporozhets beyond the Danube" is closely connected with Ukrainian history. The idea of creating it was suggested to the composer by the outstanding Ukrainian historian, poet and thinker Nikolai Kostomarov.
August 25 at 18:30 - The love drink Gaetano Donizetti. Opera in 2 acts (performed with one intermission). Libretto by F. Romani based on the libretto by E. Scribe for the opera by D. Ober "Love Potion". 19-08-2018, 21:08