Карпаты Киев



Odessa beaches will remain closed this season

In Odessa there is a summer heat, every day it is above +30 and how to live without the sea is completely incomprehensible. Both residents of Odessa and guests of the city go to the beaches, but they are still not allowed into the sea, even on some beaches they put nets on the beaches to block access to water.

Although they let them out on the sand, they even put additional showers so that people can cool off, but how can a shower or even a pool be compared with the sea, jumping off the pier with pleasure, especially for children? Of course, that is why there are queues in the Odessa Water Park, which is 7 km away, and the Hawaii Water Park in Arcadia - both adults and children want to have fun. Just explain to me that in the water park the risk of bombing and hitting is reduced?

The funny thing is that the military, it is not for nothing that they are called kirzachs, of course, they protect us, but they need courage, the mind is not their strong point, they make decisions. So I'll tell you - the risk of dying at home in Ukraine is much higher than on the beach or in the sea, statistics clearly show this. What is the point in the mined sea and beaches, if enemy ships are 300 km from Odessa, and breakwaters and equipment are not possible to land on the beach everywhere?

In reality, this is more like a position - well, we are here at the front, so you should be without the sea, otherwise you will have fun here. Yes, we are very grateful to you that you are defending the country, we are helping as best we can, but we will continue to go to the beaches and quietly swim in the sea, especially since from the piers in clear sea water you can clearly see if a mine has sailed.

Glory to Ukraine, we are waiting for our victory and access to the sea!

07-07-2022, 08:08

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