Карпаты Киев



Poster of the Opera theater August 14-19

August 14 at 19:00 - Battle of the Orchestras
On August 14, in the stage of the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater two brilliant orchestras - the Odessa City Orchestra and the Grand Orchestra will come together in a decisive creative struggle. The first Odessa derby in the history of the show "Battle of the Orchestras" will be held in the midst of the holiday season and promises to be especially hot!

August 16 at 18:30 - Concert of Organ Music
In the program of the work of YS Bach, A. Vivaldi, J. Brahms, G.A. Stamma, O. Messiana Soloist - Olga Efremova, diploma winner of international competitions

August 17 at 18:30 - Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty - the second of three ballets by Peter Tchaikovsky. La Belle au bois Dormant's La Belle au Bois Dormant, the initiative to create a dance-based extravaganza Charles Perrotto belongs to the Director of the Russian Imperial Theaters Ivan Vsevolzhsky.

August 18 at 18:30 - Carmen
Georges Bizet Opera in 4 acts (executed with two intermissions). Libretto A. Meliak and L. Halevy on the motives of the eponymous novel by P.Merime. Duration of the performance taking into account intermissions: 3 hours 30 minutes.

August 19 at 12:00 - Chipollino
K. Khachaturian Libretto by Gennady Rykhlov on the story of J. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipolino." Choreography by Henry Mayorov in the editorial office of Yuriy Vasyuchenko. Conductor - Igor Chernetsky. Production designer - Dmitry Cherbaji.

August 19 at 6:30 pm - Barber of Seville
The "Barber of Seville" - the opera buff in the French play - one of those about which Stendhal said that it is necessary to close his eyes to all absurdities and "only to die of laughter and pleasure." The opera was first staged on the stage of the Roman Theater "Argentin" on February 20, 1816.

12-08-2018, 23:12

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